The Knox Farm is one of the oldest farm houses in Rowan County. The house was built in the 1850's and lot of the features are typical of what was popular in the Piedmont of North Carolina during that period. The style has elements of Greek Revival such as the two panel doors, the windows and the overhangs. I have had the good fortune to have worked on the house 25 years ago repairing sills, and installing storm doors to help keep the cold out.

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Now I am back working on it again. We will be upgrading the functionality for the next generation moving in, Ben and Angie Knox. We are upgrading the electrical service and wiring, installing a geothermal heating and cooling system and reworking all of the plumbing.


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We are looking at the possibility of installing a bathroom on the 2nd floor to make the house fully functional in the modern era. In addition to the plumbing, mechanical and electrical, we are restoring the dining room floor. We have pulled up the vinyl floor covering and plywood underlayment back to the original heart pine floor. We are patching in front of the fire place where the original floor replaced prior to the vinyl flooring. We will go in the rest of the house and strip the floors of wax, lightly sand and finish with tung oil.




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